Kirktonholme Childcare – Bearsden Nursery is a quality childcare provider, we believe in providing the very best care and learning for your child. Kirktonholme Bearsden provides a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment with all four playrooms being bright and airy and decorated to a very high standard. We have our Ladybirds and Bumble Bees Room (0-18 months), Caterpillar Room (18months -3 years old) and Busy Bugs playroom (3-5 years old). The nursery is open weekdays from 8 am – 6 pm and we offer full daycare. Children have the opportunity to enjoy a healthy two-course lunch which is produced on-site. Children, parents and staff are consulted on the menu. We cater for all dietary requirements and provide fresh fruit with all snacks.
At Kirktonholme Bearsden, all staff in the under three playrooms work with the Pre-birth to Three Document, where much emphasis is put on the four principles – Respect, Rights of the Child, Responsive Care and Relationships all of these principals we work to provide a caring and nurturing environment for your child.
10 Switchback Road, Bearsden, Glasgow, UK