I think a lot of us can resonate with Gillian and the reasons behind beginning an alcohol free journey as a parent. We’re all much more inclined to share how difficult parenting can be, but more often than not, it can create a difficult habit of reaching for a glass of wine (or g&t or anything really!) to soften the blow of a stressful day. Welcome to Our Circle – an online alcohol-free community for busy mums.
Read from Gillian’s perspective and why working with the team at Our Circle could make a big change to your lifestyle:
As a new mum I found it tough. The juggling, the uncertainty, the demands, learning everything new and for the first time. Let’s just say, it did not come naturally. But, then again, does it ever??
So, the anxiety soon took over. I tried everything. Meditation, exercise, even medication. But, it did not budge. What I never thought about was giving up alcohol. No way! That old trusty friend. That had been around forever, since I was a teenage and it was for everything right? Celebrating, commiserating, sunny days, good one and bad ones. It was how I relaxed. How else would I chill out after a stressful day or week working and parenting without that glass of wine?
This carried on until eventually I had to consider it. The tiredness, the hangxiety. The days were longer when I did it the night before and I knew I was taking it out on him, my wee boy. It just wasn’t the fun it used to be. I felt sick of feeling fed up, I kept thinking, “is this it? Is this all I have signed up to?”
So, I tried to take a break from alcohol. Twenty-eight day challenge with an online community. It was tough. Telling people I wasn’t drinking, the social pressure is real and scary. They must think I have “a problem”. But I done it, I actually done it! And I felt good, really good. I started to sleep all the way through the night. I had energy. The days were all of a sudden way more manageable. The anxiety was less, definitely less and that horrible way I talked to myself seemed to have reduced. Could this be the way to an easier, more vibrant life???
I went back to drinking and the old feelings soon crept back in. I went through this cycle back and forth, back and forth until the evidence finally spoke for itself. I felt so refreshed and healthy when I did not drink and terrible when I did. I could no longer go on kidding myself. So, finally!!!!!! Finally, in June 2020 I stopped for good and I have never looked back.
Life is happier, healthier, calmer, more vibrant. I am such a better mum, a more present wife, and I am so much nicer to myself.
And all I want now is to help other women just like me move from that horrible place of shame, tiredness and fear to a place of hope, calm and energy
So, I became a coach and along with Karen we created Our Circle. This is an amazing community where we create a space and deliver supportive Alcohol-Free challenges, 1:1 coaching, free workshops and daily support. It’s an inspiring, encouraging place where women realise they are not alone as there are loads of other women, just like you who are sick and tired of being sick and tired and held back by alcohol. And together we all support each other to be our best. We discuss how to navigate social situations, consider why we drink and what needs we think it is meeting, how to relax if we don’t use alcohol and we celebrate our amazing results from being alcohol free. We work together and create a life that is so much better and one that no longer needs or wants alcohol to live or survive. We create a life that definitely does not have time for hangovers or hangxiety and together we quickly move on to a place where we and our children thrive together. Interested in our free workshops?
We can be contacted at:
On Instagram @gillianbrowncoaching & @alcohol_free_mums_coaching
On Facebook GB Coaching & ourcirclecoaching